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Laravel Strava Package

A laravel package to access data from the Strava API. Compatible with Laravel 5.0 and above.

Table of Contents

Strava Access Credentials

In order to use this package you will need to create an app from within your strava account. Create Strava App to access your API credentials. Click here for more information on the Strava API.


To install the package within your laravel project use the following composer command:

composer require codetoad/strava

Publish Strava Config File

The vendor:publish commmand will publish a file named ct_strava.php within your laravel project config folder config/ct_strava.php. Edit this file with your Strava API credentials, generated from the Strava app you created.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CodeToad\Strava\StravaServiceProvider"

Published Config File Contents

'client_id' => env('CT_STRAVA_CLIENT_ID', '')
'client_secret' => env('CT_STRAVA_SECRET_ID', '')
'redirect_uri' => env('CT_STRAVA_REDIRECT_URI', '')

Alternatively you can ignore the above publish command and add this following variables to your .env file. Make sure to add your Strava App credentials


Auto Discovery

If you’re using Laravel 5.5+ you don’t need to manually add the service provider or facade. This will be Auto-Discovered. For all versions of Laravel below 5.5, you must manually add the ServiceProvider & Facade to the appropriate arrays within your Laravel project config/app.php



Alias / Facade

'Strava' => CodeToad\Strava\StravaFacade::class,


Use Strava Facade

Add the Strava facade to the top of your controller so you can access the Strava class methods.

use Strava;

class MyController extends Controller
  // Controller functions here...

Authenticate User

Call the Strava::authenticate() method to redirect you to Strava. If authentication is successful the user will be redirected to the redirect_uri that you added to the config file or your .env file. You may now also pass $scope as a parameter when authenticating. You can add or remove scopes as required. Some are required, some are optional. Details on available scopes can be seen here Strava Authentication Scopes

public function stravaAuth()
  return Strava::authenticate($scope='read_all,profile:read_all,activity:read_all');

Obtain User Access Token

When returned to the redirected uri, call the Strava::token($code) method to generate the users Strava access token & refresh token. The tokens are generated using the code parameter value within the redirected uri. Be sure to store the users access_token & refresh_token in your database.

public function getToken(Request $request)
  $token = Strava::token($request->code);

  // Store $token->access_token & $token->refresh_token in database

Example Response

"token_type": "Bearer"
"expires_at": 1555165838
"expires_in": 21600 // 6 Hours
"refresh_token": "671129e56b1ce64d7e0c7e594cb6522b239464e1"
"access_token": "e105062b153da39f81a439b90b23357c741a40a0"
"athlete": ...

At this point you have access to the Athlete object that can be used to login to your website. Of course you’ll need to write the logic for your login system, but the athlete name, email etc.. is contained within the object for you to verify the user against your own database data.

Access Token Expiry

Access tokens will now expire after 6 hours under the new flow that Strava have implemented and will need to be updated using a refresh token. In the example above you can see the response has a refresh_token and an expires_at field. When storing the user access tokens you may also want to store the expires_at field too. This will allow you to check when the current access token has expired.

When calling any of the Strava methods below you may want to compare the current time against the expires_at field in order to validate the token. If the token is expired you’ll need to call the Strava::refreshToken($refreshToken) method in order to generate a new tokens. All you need to do is pass the users currently stored refresh_token, the method will then return a new set of tokens (access & refresh), update the current users tokens with the new tokens from the response. Heres an example of how that might work, using the Strava::athlete($token) method.

use Carbon\Carbon;

public function myControllerFunction(Request $request)
  // Get the user
  $user = User::find($request->id);

  // Check if current token has expired
  if(strtotime(Carbon::now()) > $user->expires_at)
    // Token has expired, generate new tokens using the currently stored user refresh token
    $refresh = Strava::refreshToken($user->refresh_token);

    // Update the users tokens
    User::where('id', $request->id)->update([
      'access_token' => $refresh->access_token,
      'refresh_token' => $refresh->refresh_token

    // Call Strava Athlete Method with newly updated access token.
    $athlete = Strava::athlete($user->access_token);

    // Return $athlete array to view
    return view('strava.athlete')->with(compact('athlete'));


    // Token has not yet expired, Call Strava Athlete Method
    $athlete = Strava::athlete($user->access_token);

    // Return $athlete array to view
    return view('strava.athlete')->with(compact('athlete'));



Unauthenticate User

You can allow users to unauthenticate their Strava account with your Strava app. Simply allow users to call the following method, passing the access token that has been stored for their account.


Available Methods

All methods require an access token, some methods accept additional optional parameters listed below.

Athlete Data

Returns the currently authenticated athlete.


User Activities Data

Returns the activities of an athlete.

Strava::activities($token, $page, $perPage, $before, $after);

User Single Activity

Returns the given activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete.

Strava::activity($token, $activityID);

User Single Activity Stream

Returns the given activity’s streams.

// $keys is a string array containing required streams
// e.g. ['latlng', 'time']
Strava::activityStream($token, $activityID, $keys = '', $keyByType = true);

Activity Comments

Returns the comments on the given activity.

Strava::activityComments($token, $activityID, $page, $perPage);

Activity Kudos

Returns the athletes who kudoed an activity.

Strava::activityKudos($token, $activityID, $page, $perPage);

Activity Laps

Returns the laps data of an activity.

Strava::activityLaps($token, $activityID);

Activity Zones

Summit Feature Required. Returns the zones of a given activity.

Strava::activityZones($token, $activityID);

Update Activity

Updates the given activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete. Requires activity:write, so in order to update activities, you will need to authenticate as follows: Strava::authenticate('read_all,profile:read_all,activity:read_all,activity:write');.

Strava::updateActivityById($token, $activityID, array $updateableActivity);

You may update one or more individual parameters from the following:

// Example $updateableActivity
$updateableActivity = [
    'commute' => false,
    'trainer' => false,
    'description' => 'Easier ride than usual',
    'name' => 'Fun ride',
    'type' => 'Ride', // string, instance of ActivityType
    'gear_id' => 'b12345678987654321',

Find additional details in the official Strava documentation:

Athlete Zones

Returns the the authenticated athlete’s heart rate and power zones.


Athlete Stats

Returns the activity stats of an athlete.

Strava::athleteStats($token, $athleteID, $page, $perPage);


Returns a given club using its identifier.

Strava::club($token, $clubID);

Club Members

Returns a list of the athletes who are members of a given club.

Strava::clubMembers($token, $clubID, $page, $perPage);

Club Activities

Retrieve recent activities from members of a specific club. The authenticated athlete must belong to the requested club in order to hit this endpoint. Pagination is supported. Athlete profile visibility is respected for all activities.

Strava::clubActivities($token, $clubID, $page, $perPage);

Club Admins

Returns a list of the administrators of a given club.

Strava::clubAdmins($token, $clubID, $page, $perPage);

Athlete Clubs

Returns a list of the clubs whose membership includes the authenticated athlete.

Strava::athleteClubs($token, $page, $perPage);


Returns equipment data using gear ID.

Strava::gear($token, $gearID);


Returns a route using its route ID.

Strava::route($token, $routeID);

Athlete Routes

Returns a list of the routes created by the authenticated athlete using their athlete ID.

Strava::athleteRoutes($token, $athleteID, $page, $perPage);


Returns the specified segment.

Strava::segment($token, $segmentID);

Segment Effort

Returns a segment effort from an activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete.

Strava::segmentEffort($token, $segmentID);

Starred Segments

List of the authenticated athlete’s starred segments.

Strava::starredSegments($token, $page, $perPage);

Getting API Limits

Strava returns information about API calls allowance and usage in response headers.

The methods listed below will return this information upon a call which uses up the API limit (like fetching activities). Some calls like refreshing access tokens seem not to use up the API call limit, that’s why you will get nulls in the resulting array.

As well when you try to get the limits at the very beginning, before any API call using up the limits , you will receive nulls. The default allowance limits are not hardcoded as different accounts may have different limits.

All API Limits

Returns all limits in a multidimensional array, eg.:

	['allowance']['15minutes'] => "100",  
	['allowance']['daily'] => "1000",  
	['usage']['15minutes'] => "7",  
	['usage']['daily'] => "352",  

Allocated API Limits

Returns daily and 15-minute request limits available for the Strava account , eg.:

	['15minutes'] => '100',  
	['daily'] => '1000',  

Used API Calls

Returns number of daily and 15-minute calls used up at the Strava account , eg.:

	['15minutes'] => '7',  
	['daily'] => '352',  

Parameter Types

$token        = string
$activityID   = integer
$athleteID    = integer
$clubID       = integer
$gearID       = integer
$routeID      = integer
$segmentID    = integer
$page         = integer
$perPage      = integer
$before       = integer (timestamp)
$after        = integer (timestamp)


It’s highly recommended that you cache your requests made to Strava for 2 reasons.

(1) Rate Limiting

Strava have API Rate Limit of 100 requests every 15 minutes and 10,000 daily. If your website has high traffic you might want to consider caching your Strava response data so you don’t exceed these limits.

(2) Website Loading Speed

Caching your Strava data will drastically improve website load times.